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Gong And Water Modulation

John St. Claire

Mar 10, 2023

A literary review

Another potential mechanism of therapeutic action from the gong is the direct effect of  vibration on water molecules. Although human bodies are 65% to 70% water by volume, they  are 99% water by number of molecules (Pollack, 2013). If only 1% of the molecules of our  bodies are not water; pursuing a careful examination of the remaining 99% may provide useful  insights.  

The “fourth phase of water” is the term coined by Gerald Pollack to describe how water  forms into hexagonal structures and the effects these structures have on metabolic processes  (Pollack, 2013). The water in every living cell is structured into clusters with hexagonal rings  being the most prevalent (Pollack, 2013). It’s been found that water clusters vibrate at specific  resonant frequencies, and these frequencies can help restore homeostasis to cell structures in the  body through signal transduction (Bistolfi, 1990).  

German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, who conducted research concerning cellular  communication, came to the conclusion that the body communicates with the help of cell  vibrations, producing biophotons (Popp, 2003). Popp has shown that it is possible to steer  biochemical processes in the cells by influencing vibration in their area (Benveniste, 1999). 

The structure of water can create clusters, from which we can build "water counterpart  copies" of DNA and RNA (Bulenkov, 1991). Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier, has done extensive  research and published numerous papers on the effects of water, demonstrating how water has a  memory that can directly influence DNA production (Montagnier, 2015) (Montagnier, 2017)

Eminent consciousness researchers, Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose, proposed the  Orch Or theory in which consciousness comes into existence via the entanglement of photons in  the microtubules of neuronal brain cells and this can only take place in the medium of structured water (Hameroff, 1998). Hammerof’s work with trans-cranial ultra-sound has shown  improvements in mood, which may be from the stimulation of this entanglement process  (Hameroff, 2013). The belief that consciousness resides in the brain is perhaps why the Orch Or  theory limits it to the CSK in the brain. If consciousness results from entangled photons in  microtubules of neurons; it is equally as likely that consciousness is distributed through out the  entire body and not just the neurons in the brain. If this is in fact the case, it may point to a  mechanism in which direct exposure of the entire body to powerful vibration from a large gong  produces profound altered states of consciousness. 

 Dr. Franco Bistolfi has described what he terms the Bioelectronic (or bioconductive)  Connectional System (Bistolfi, 1990). The components of this system include the cell's protein  cytoskeleton and extracellular proteins such as collagen fibers and keratin filaments.  

Together with structured water, Bistolfi proposes that these structures "are the  morphological expressions of a large and unitary cooperative system for coherent  communications among cells, by means of piezoelectric interactions and photon/phonon  transduction of signals, of both endogenous and exogenous origin” (Bistolfi, 1990). He has  devised a "musical" model which compares the vibrations and oscillations of hydrogen bonds to  the strings of a string instrument, the harp (Bistolfi, 1989). The length, number, and resonance of  these “strings” (hydrogen harps) is correlated with the frequency and quality of “sound” which in  this case is electromagnetic emission. This information is used to explain some essential aspects  of proteins and DNA function (Bistolfi, 1989). 

Structured water within the cell acts as a transducer of chemical and bioelectric energy  (Haussinger 1994). The resonant frequency produced by the transduction organizes nucleic acids  and proteins, providing a unified system for cell repair and replication (Haussinger 1994).

Metabolic efficiency can be enhanced by restoring tissue levels of clustered water, and this water  can impart beneficial effects throughout the body via signal transduction (Lorenzen 1989).  Cymatics is the visualization of sound in water. The aesthetically pleasing designs speak  to a non-verbal understanding of sound. The investigation into this has been pioneered by John  Stuart Reid, an engineer who has developed and improved upon the cymascope over the last 10  years. The current state of the device allows for capturing a 3 dimensional image of sound in  water ( When dolphin echolocation sounds were played into the cymascope the  image produced was directly correlated with the shape, texture, and contrast of the objects the  dolphins were imaging (Kasowitz, 2016).  

A recent study at the Salk Institute implies that cognition and memory is not limited to  specific neurons and neuronal patterns. Instead, it is the interference patterns of brain waves  which may be a mechanism responsible for memory and cognition (Gepshtein, 2022). The gong  is a source of very coherent vibrations felt in cells throughout the body. It has been proposed that  all cellular communication is a language in the form of waves which can be measured by the  cymascope (Ji, 2017). This cellular language, and human language, are proposed to be derived  from a cosmic language, entirely based upon waves and patterns (Ji, 2017). Could this be one of  the reasons people often report the sensation of “being in the cosmos” when enveloped in the  sound waves of the gong? Is there an intuitive understanding of this cosmic language? Many  gong players consider the sound gong to be the language of the cosmos. 

 The cymatic mandala-like patterns created by the gong in the water comprising 99% of  our molecules are stimulating biomechanical transduction of the cell to create a cascade of  cellular biophysical activity. Could it be that the cymatic stimulation of the most predominant  molecule in our bodies restores intercellular tensegrity? 

A systematic review and meta-analysis of energy medicine (Ross, 2019) states, “All  systems in the human being, from the atomic to the molecular level, are constantly in motion creating resonance. This resonance is important to understanding how subtle energy directs and  maintains health and wellness in the human being.” The trillions of cells of the human body are  each undergoing countless biophysical processes every second and this can be compared to a  symphony of resonant interactions (Muehsem, & Ventura, 2014). 

Mandalas were first used in therapy by Carl Jung, who found that they had a calming  effect on patients while at the same time facilitating psychic integration (Henderson, 2007). Alan  Watts said, “A mandala is a picture that tells a story, it is a sacred space, often a circle which  reveals some inner truth about yourself and the world’ (Watts, 2000, p 6).  

Could the cymatic mandala patterns created by the gong in cellular water be related to the  reported feelings of calm, inner knowing, and self integration? What would it feel like if 99% of  the molecules in your body were doing this?


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